Meet Your SmartVestor Pros

Here are 3 SmartVestor Pros serving Watertown, SD.

You're almost there

When you share your information, the pros can reach out to you. Here's how it works:

Select one or more pro and we'll share your information with them. This keeps the ball moving on your investing goals.

You'll hear from the pros shortly. Wait . . . is that your phone ringing? This is the time to schedule interviews.

Use our interview guide for some questions to ask and space for you to rank the pros.

Take the time to meet with each pro to make sure you find the right one for your needs.

Take a look at the list of pros and select the ones you'd like to speak with. (Tip: The more pros you interview, the better chance you have of finding the right fit.)

Don't Forget!

You can download our free interview guide to help you in your decision. It has questions you can ask the pros and space for you to rank them.